Capital Expenditure (or CapEx) refers to the funds used by businesses to acquire, maintain, and upgrade fixed assets. These might include plant, property, and equipment (PP&E) like buildings, machinery, and office infrastructure. Types of capital expenditures: Capital expenditures are a long-term investment, meaning the assets purchased have aWhen companies make a revenue expenditure, the expense provides immediate benefits, rather than long term ones. Examples of revenue expenditure are wages or salaries paid to factory workers, machine Oil to lubricate. Hence option B is not the capital expenditure.Which of the following would not be classified as a capital expenditure for decision-making purposes? a. purchase of a building b. investment in a management training program c. purchase of 90-day Treasury Bills d. development of a major advertising campaignPractice following Capital and Revenue Expenditure Multiple choice questions. You may click the link to find Multiple choice questions (Q.No-1 to 10) on Capital and Revenue Receipts and Payments.. Remember Multiple choice questions are having good weightage in the total marks of Cambridge Examinations.In order for a cost to be capitalized (capital expenditure), the following must be present: a. The useful life of an asset must be increased. b. The quantity of assets must be increased. c. The quality of assets must be increased. d. Any one of these. d. 55. An improvement made to a machine increased its fair market value and its production
Which of the following is not a capital expenditure?
Capital expenditures are not directly tax deductible. However, they can reduce a company's taxes indirectly by way of the depreciation that they generate. For example, if a company purchases aIt is a short period expenditure and recurring in nature which is incurred every year (as against capital expenditure which is long period expenditure and non-recurring in nature). The purpose of such expenditure is not to build up any capital asset but to ensure normal functioning of government machinery.Capital expenditures tend to be quite substantial in certain industries, such as utilities and manufacturing. From a financial analysis perspective, a business should at least maintain its historical level of capital expenditures. Otherwise, it will be suspected that management is not adequately reinvesting in the organization, which willQuestion: Which Of The Following Is Not A Capital Expenditure Group Of Answer Choices A Replacement Repairs That Maintain An Asset In Operating Condition A Betterment An Addition. This problem has been solved! See the answer. Which of the following is not a capital expenditure.

Chapter 9, Chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet
6pecial rate pool • &'&.&'& is available ´except for motor carsµ • +<&'& not available •:*)&'& is at rate of ¼» for a ¹·³month period ´not ¹ »µ and is to be time³apportioned for shorter &'&3s •.f business has incurred capital expenditure in excess of £·ºº°ººº° the &'&.&'& should first be allocated to assets within the special rate pool as the rate of:*)&'& forSo cost of acquiring goodwill (using the name of an old firm) is always a capital expenditure. Re-decoration 'A/c or Maintenance A/c is debited. (xx) Revenue expenditure. Generally a cinema hall is decorated regular and re-decorating cost is a recurring expenditure Moreover, it will not add to the capacity of the hall, so it is a revenueA capital expenditure (CAPEX) is the money companies use to purchase, upgrade, or extend the life of an asset. Capital expenditures are a long-term investment, meaning the assets purchased have aWhich of the following is not a capital expenditure A. Complete overhaul of air-conditioning system B. Replacement of an old motor with a new one in a piece of equipment C. THe cost of installing a piece of equipment D. A tune-up of a company vehicle E. The addition of a building wingR&D activities is correct? (Points : 4) The amount of time between the R&D activity and the cash flows from the project does not affect risk. Greater risk is associated with improving existing products than creating new products. Risk increases as the time between the R&D activity and the cash flows from the project increases. Assessing risk is a trivial part of research and development.
A. Advertising is an operating expense. Capital expenditures are payments made with a view to gain belongings, something tangible that is owned; machinery and escalators are highest examples. A patent is one thing you own, even if it's not tangible and not taxable as belongings. A patent, the exclusive right to supply a product, may be purchased, sold, and licensed. It is an intangible asset, like Accounts Receivable; like a trademarked corporate name or logo, it comes beneath the basic heading of "Good Will" if you happen to will have to promote your enterprise, and it is value money.
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